Colorado Signs Regulation on Kratom

In a world of pain and aches and pharmaceuticals, the magical and healing plant botanical known as Kratom is getting some much needed notice and regulation for legal consumption.  Modeled after Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA) legislation passed in several other states, which will regulate the production, distribution, quality and sale of kratom products, Colorado has become the next state to regulate kratom. The Kratom Consumer Protection Act is designed to ensure kratom sold in Colorado is pure by prohibiting unsatisfactory or altered products and identifying bad operators within the industry.

What is Kratom?

Kratom is a plant originating from southeast Asia that is used by millions of Americans for a variety of purposes including: pain management, to increase energy and to help individuals taper off their opioid based medication or pain killer dependency. Kratom can be consumed in many forms, like beverages and capsules. At its base level, Kratom is a plant botanical made of crushed up leaf. A natural, organic, less addictive, non-chemical replacement for other harmful substances. 

Kratom in Colorado.

In 2022 alone, Colorado joins Missouri and Oregon becoming the eighth state to pass kratom regulation. Ensuring kratom products are pure and unadulterated is critically important to protecting consumers across the state and will get us one step closer to federal kratom regulation. The passage and signage of this bill shows the commitment of Colorado lawmakers to protecting the increasingly growing number of kratom consumers in the state.  When it takes effect in July 2023, this law will prohibit the sale of kratom to those under the age of 21 and will also prohibit the adulteration of kratom products with controlled substances like fentanyl. In addition, it will set standards for product labeling and mandates fines for offenses of these regulations and will provide the Colorado Department of Revenue with regulatory oversight.  

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